Blythman and Partners - Veterinary Practices in Tyne And Wear

Vaccination Guideline Update Dec 24 – Leptospirosis

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Vaccinating your Dog      

Dogs receive an annual combined injection which protects them from Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, and Parvo.

Puppies should have their first vaccination a from 6 weeks old followed by a second vaccine 4 weeks later, then annual vaccines thereafter.

New Dog Leptospirosis Vaccination Guidelines from December 2024

What is Leptospirosis and why should we vaccinate against it?

Leptospirosis is a potentially fatal disease caused by a type of bacteria called Leptospira, which is spread in the urine of infected animals and can live in water or soil for months. Dogs are at higher risk if they live in a farm environment, regularly kill rodents or spend time around slow moving or stagnant water (e.g. river, canals or ponds). Leptospira can enter the body through the nose, mouth or wounds and damages vital organs such as the liver and the kidneys. Leptospirosis is also zoonotic which means it can pass from dogs to humans and cause serious illness.

New Guidelines

Following newly updated World Small Animal Veterinary Association guidelines we are updating our canine vaccination program to include Canigen® Lepto 4 as Canigen® Lepto 2 is no longer being manufactured and as such is being phased out.

Canigen® Lepto 2 contains 2 strains of leptospire, Canicola and Icterohaemorrhagiae, which were historically the most common strains seen. However, with increased pet travel and dogs being imported into the UK, other strains are being increasingly seen. Canigen® Lepto 4 contains 4 strains of leptospire, Canicola, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Australis and Grippotyphosa. In Europe, Grippotyphosa in particular has been identified as a major cause of canine leptospirosis.

Puppies and previously unvaccinated or lapsed adult dogs

A course of 2 vaccinations will be needed alongside Canigen DHP (Distemper, Hepatitis and Parvovirus). These will be given 28 days apart and we would recommend booking both appointments together. The first vaccination can be given anywhere from 6 weeks of age and we would encourage this to be done at the earliest opportunity to maximise socialisation of puppies. The second vaccination cannot be given before the age of 10 weeks old and there is a 3 week period following this vaccination before full immunity is achieved. We recommend your puppy does not go on the ground in public places or socialise with dogs of unknown vaccination status until that time period has passed.

If your puppy is between first and second vaccinations and has had Lepto 2 we will vaccinate with Lepto 2 for the second vaccination to ensure that there is no delay in immunity status being reached across all core vaccines. They will receive Lepto 4 at the time of their first annual booster. A second vaccination will then be given 28 days later to cover the additional Leptospirosis strains.

Adult dogs transitioning from Lepto 2 to Lepto 4

Until your dog is due for their annual vaccination you do not need to do anything. We will welcome them as usual for their annual health check with one of our veterinary surgeons and they will receive the Lepto 4 vaccination as part of their usual vaccination schedule. It will be necessary for them to have a second vaccination with Lepto 4 28 days later to give full immunity against the additional Leptospirosis strains covered.  We do feel it is important to follow the most up to date scientific information and World Small Animal Veterinary Association  recommendations to offer our patients the best medical and preventative healthcare available. We apologise for any inconvenience this additional visit may cause and wish to reassure you that this additional vaccination will be given free of charge.

We recognise that you may have questions regarding this update to our vaccination protocol and we welcome you to get in touch and discuss these with an experienced member of our clinical team.

Kennel cough vaccinations should also be given to protect against some strains of Bordetella and are given via a nasal vaccine squirted down your dog’s nose. This disease is contagious and airborne so we recommend that all dogs are vaccinated annually, not just the ones going into kennels.

Our Wellness Plan includes the benefit of your pet companions’ Annual Vaccinations & Health Check.  Ask our team for full details.

Tags: General News, Puppies & Dogs
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